Kita akan senang bila menerima pemberian dari orang, tapi yakinlah yang memberi pasti akan jauh lebih bahagia. berilah apapun kepada orang lain berupa kebaikan, dan rasakan manfaatnya....

Friday, July 31, 2009

What Is Your Mission?

We talk about sacrifices. We talk about the sense of mission accomplishment. But the truth is that we know very little of leadership and we are often at a loss when it comes to getting the job done right. Making personal sacrifices is necessary, whether we want to admit it or not. The mission isn’t one specific goal but rather a group of priorities, some more important than others, but mutable and occasionally conflicting. Can organizational development become a priority for the warrior-minded leader?

The warrior-minded leader must always keep the main mission in mind, know which priorities and goals are allowed to change. Leadership is all about making those changes in a timely, effective fashion – without affecting the goals that are crucial. The best practices can be discovered in time and human resources are always available. One should take into consideration the risks but also the potential changes that can be made to improve leadership. Emphasis must also be placed on the importance of doing things the right way. The Warrior Ethos is one of the most important parts of the mission, the set of principles being applied not only for personal but also for organizational development.

Courage has been a creed for many generations and also for many warriors. Is courage that important in today’s business world? One has to learn to overcome fear; make decisions and take actions that will garner successful outcomes. Running a business starts and ends with leadership. Fear has nothing to do with being a good leader and discovering the best practices. One should learn how to control emotions and move forward with a clear sense of purpose. Courage has a cost, be it in lost personal time, changed working conditions. The benefit, however, is the resulting team is a far stronger and effective performer, and far likely to collectively overcome extreme difficulties.

Discipline has been long mentioned among the principles of the Warrior Ethos. One should develop the ability to take constant action, to not just lie back and wait for things to happen, but to operate within strict parameters to pursue a desired outcome. Leadership is based on many things, as the Warrior Ethos will teach you, but it seems that discipline is one of the most important. For a warrior leader, rules, limits and parameters exist for good reason, though often not self-serving ones.

As a general rule, having a warrior mentality means having the ability to commit to action. The best practices are far away from falling prey to temptation, they rely on using all available human resources and striving to achieve the best possible organizational development. Even when there’s nothing to do but wait, it’s possible to prepare for contingencies, plan the next steps or refine skills. The stress can be overwhelming but not as overwhelming as being unprepared at a critical moment.

By: Britney Simpson


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