Kita akan senang bila menerima pemberian dari orang, tapi yakinlah yang memberi pasti akan jauh lebih bahagia. berilah apapun kepada orang lain berupa kebaikan, dan rasakan manfaatnya....

Friday, July 31, 2009

How Do I Change My Thinking From Scarcity To Abundance?

There are several things you can do. The first thing I recommend is that you start a daily Grati-Tude practice. This simply means taking 5-10 minutes every day to take note of what you can be grateful for. It doesn't matter how big or small - just becoming consciously aware of what you already have in your life that is good and abundant will start to change your thinking from scarcity to abundance.

Make a list of at least 100 things you are grateful for - this will challenge you to think past the usual material things and stretch your mind to go beyond the obvious. For example, I'm grateful for clean water and fresh air, right through to the apartment I live in. I'm grateful for my partner who makes me laugh every day, and the smell of a fresh frangipani. No matter how big or small - there will be hundreds of things you can be grateful for which will help you realise how abundant your life really is.

Another thing you can do is to define what abundance really means to you. It's not always about the money. In fact, most people aren't inspired by money at all. They are inspired by what it allows them to do when they don't have to worry about it. The inspirational book 'Living an Abundant Life' is a great way to expand your thinking about what abundance can mean to different people and how they created abundance in their life.

A great way to learn new mind patterns is to read motivational books. They are full of inspirational stories, tools and techniques that you can use yourself to create more empowering mindsets.

If you've got a real block around scarcity, of course you can book a session with me at the greatly reduced price and take advantage of the opportunity available to you right now, to clear a limiting belief forever. Some blocks can be incredibly simple to clear and replace with more useful beliefs. If you have a stubborn block around scarcity, it may take more than one session, however it's well worth the investment if it is changed forever.

We live in 1st world countries - abudance is everywhere. We are very priveleged if we take the time to notice what we have.

May all the abundance you seek come easily and quickly.

By: L. Ocampo


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