Kita akan senang bila menerima pemberian dari orang, tapi yakinlah yang memberi pasti akan jauh lebih bahagia. berilah apapun kepada orang lain berupa kebaikan, dan rasakan manfaatnya....

Friday, July 31, 2009

Self Hypnosis How To - Beware Covert Persuaders!

Self Hypnosis can be a powerful tool in our attempt to define and assert our individual identities and destinies. Unfortunately, there are forces constantly working to wrench away our ability to choose independently and to live according to our own highest values. I'll call these forces 'the Covert Persuaders'. Be assured that these Covert Persuaders target the unwary and untrained among us.

Who Is Vulnerable to Covert Persuasion?

Those of us who are unaware of the dangers of covert persuasion are the easiest targets, but lack of training also accounts for the success of many covert attacks. Hypnosis can never cause a person to act contrary to their own moral code, but the result is much different in 'non-morality' areas. For example, a person who normally wouldn't steal cannot be made to violate their principles and commit theft under hypnotic control. However, in our everyday decisions, we very seldom apply our strongest convictions and moral codes to our choices. These daily choices open up a wide doorway for covert control by unscrupulous persuaders.

Do you have a strong conviction about which toothpaste you choose? Which deodorant you use each morning? Or which breakfast biscuit you choose for breakfast? Probably not. These daily choices are a ripe playground for the covert persuaders who would like to direct your every decision in favor of their own agendas. Have you ever picked up an item off the shelf because you saw an advertisement for the product, even though you've never used the product before and never read the labels? You were probably the victim of covert persuasion.

30 Seconds to Doom!

Studies have shown that children typically enter a trance-like state within the first 30 seconds of watching television. We've all done it when we've walked into a room where a TV program is playing and gotten engrossed in the story within seconds. In this process, we've suspended reality for a moment and "entered" the story. We are still in this vulnerable condition of suspended thinking when the commercial break begins.

The first two stages of a successful hypnotic session are:

First, to gain the person's attention, and

Second, to bypass the person's critical thinking faculties.

Television advertising accomplishes both steps in mere seconds and leaves us wide open to the third step:

To implant suggestions in the unconscious (or subconscious) mind.

BINGO! You'll now favor one toothpaste over another, or you'll be inclined to select one restaurant more often than others. You have become the unwitting victim of covert persuasion. Admittedly, such decisions may not be of monumental importance in life, but don't you want to be aware of why you're making choices?

Self Hypnosis Training Can Help

Self hypnosis training can give us the tools necessary to identify and protect against unwanted covert persuasion. In many areas, it just may not matter and we'll ignore the hidden message and simply buy the product. Sometimes however, we'll recognize the hidden persuaders and be able to resist their tricky, and subtle commands. The first time you intentionally over-ride one of these hidden manipulators, you'll be glad you got some training!

Product choices are only the tip of the iceberg. Political persuaders and idea salesmen line the streets everyday, hawking their wares to oblivious travelers. Take back your mind and begin to redefine your own life and you'll look, feel and act better than ever before. Self hypnosis training can be the first step in protecting yourself from the worst form of identity theft: The Loss of Personal Choice!

Enjoy your journey,

By: Stanton Douglas


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