Kita akan senang bila menerima pemberian dari orang, tapi yakinlah yang memberi pasti akan jauh lebih bahagia. berilah apapun kepada orang lain berupa kebaikan, dan rasakan manfaatnya....

Friday, July 31, 2009

Thinking About Time

The universe was formed billions of years ago. Dinosaurs roamed the earth hundreds of millions of years ago. Man first began emerging from his cave several hundred thousand years ago.

This past weekend there was a 90th birthday celebration at Madison Square Garden for the great American icon, Pete Seeger. Today in the LA Times, I read about the passing of another champion, Salamo Arouch, a Greek born Jewish boxer who survived Auschwitz by fighting fellow prisoners in bloody combat. Over a two-year period, he estimated that he fought over 200 times. That was a mere 65 years ago.

Years ago I recognized that the most valuable commodity in life was time. When it’s gone, we never get it again. I am now 63 and theoretically have “less time on the back end than I’ve had on the front end.” A principle tenet of my Work is “the great use of a life is to spend it for something that outlasts it.” Thus I strive daily in my steadfast commitment to do this, but not merely by working hard, but by working consciously. Not just by keeping my shoulder to the wheel but striving to live in a consciousness that respects and values every moment.

For example, as I create this blog, I am consciously aware of the quality of my breath and coordinating my thoughts while listening deeply. In every conversation, I strive to embody the
essence of mind/body/spirit consciousness and of “making voice visual” so as to stay in a continuous connection with Source and Self. What I am saying here is how much information is contained
in a moment and how do we maximize it so that as we live our lives, it is not merely about quantity, but quality. Live in the quality of your moments.

A fundamental aspect of my belief system and teaching principles is structure and time. For decades I have taught how to use time efficiently to help us fulfill goals, accomplish more, etc. But over the last several years, I’ve been shifting,deepening and enhancing this technique to incorporate personal
rituals that become “part of our routine.” Rituals that support a more depthful integration and greater conscious awareness in all endeavors such as: allow a conscious, loving breath. Asking the
question “Am I being who I am or merely presenting who I am?”Thanking Source to start my day or before walking into an important meeting. These rituals support us in being more mindful with how we use our time.

How many of us set goals and then walk away when they intimidate us or our drive dissipates? How many of us create a mission statement and then don’t walk the talk? How many of us
procrastinate? So what I’m basically saying here paraphrasing a line from a popular 1980s film “Network” is “I’m mad as hell and I don’t want to take it anymore!” In this blog I want to awaken us
to the fact that the clock is ticking—we’re only here for a few short years—let’s not waste them. But more than that, honor time and Self so that your being here makes a difference.

When we value time, we value Self. When we keep our commitments to ourselves, we are making a statement that honors us. I encourage you to not just make New Year’s resolutions but to make daily resolutions and review them—daily.Did I use time wisely? Did I honor my Self today? Did I let myself
down and if so, did I forgive and recommit? Did I live today in a way that values time and values Self?

Going forward, let this be our new mantra—“Live time wisely, consciously and conscientiously, and while doing so, honor the company I keep.”

1. Analyze a week (168 hours). Discover how you spend it. Evaluate how to strategize your days and your weeks for quality, not just for quantity.

2. Examine my 5th Ritual—Take My Time (It is never how fast—except in a race, but rather how effective.)

3. Create short-term goals with timelines and be accountable. Enjoy the discoveries that await you.

By: Arthur Samuel Joseph


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