Kita akan senang bila menerima pemberian dari orang, tapi yakinlah yang memberi pasti akan jauh lebih bahagia. berilah apapun kepada orang lain berupa kebaikan, dan rasakan manfaatnya....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Most Useful Coaching Models To Use

A life coach uses many models to meet the needs of his/her client. Depending on the type of life coaching course you attend the number of models and the type of models that can be used by a life coach varies. Some of the models are the six levels of coaching, the CLEAR model, Solution focused coaching, the story telling coach, transformational coaching, the GROW model etc. Among these models nothing is as useful as the GROW model. The GROW model was developed in the U.K and used extensively in coaching during the late 1980s and 1990s. The GROW Model enables you to break down an issue into its constituent parts.

It is one of the best known and widely used models. The reason for its popularity is that it provides a simple but powerful framework for navigating a route through a coaching session. It also provides a means of finding your way when you are lost. Lots of coaches have used it and it is described in number of life coaching manuals and books. GROW stands for Goal, current Reality, Options and Will. These are the four elements of a coaching session. The GROW model can be applied to individual sessions, group sessions, a part of a session or to series of sessions. Whatever type of session you apply it to the principle remains the same. This is how it works.

Any life coach knows that a goal is necessary for a person to work for. Similarly, each session must have a goal or an outcome to be reached or achieved. Make this goal as specific as possible. It should be such that it should be easy for a person to make out whether the goal has been achieved or not. Once the goal is identified, you can ask questions like “How will you know that you have achieved the goal?”

Setting the goal is good but how can you set a goal without being aware of your current reality. It is important to know where you are going but it is equally important to know where you are right now. You have to know your starting point to reach your finishing point. This is a key part of any life coaching session. By clearly seeing the situation you are in you can make the resolving of the issues that much easier.

Now you know your starting point (current reality) and your finishing point (goal), you have to next know how to get from the starting point to the finishing point. So, you have to explore the options to get from the starting point to finishing point. Using the GROW model is like using the map. Once you know where you are going and from where you are going then you can explore the possible routes. Then, you can decide which is the best possible route (option) to reach the goal.

But, knowing the starting point (current reality), finishing point (goal), and route (options) is not enough to make the journey. You should have the means to make the journey. How can you do it? By having the will to make the journey. If there is a will there is a way. So, if you have the will you can start from your current reality and reach your goal through the best option possible.

Having described the GROW model, it would seem as if it is a sequential process. But in reality it is not so. In practice each process has to be revisited a number of times before the final outcome. The best thing about this model is that it is easily understood, straightforward to apply and very thorough. In addition, once you have an understanding of how it works, it is possible to apply it to an amazing variety of issues in a very effective way. The GROW model will stop you struggling, or making so many mistakes. It will help you recoup quickly should you fall. GROW can get you going again when you pause. With GROW you can create a support framework to motivate you and encourage you. GROW can make success easier, faster and more fun than you think possible.

By: Sean McPheat


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