Kita akan senang bila menerima pemberian dari orang, tapi yakinlah yang memberi pasti akan jauh lebih bahagia. berilah apapun kepada orang lain berupa kebaikan, dan rasakan manfaatnya....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Attitude Responses

Everyday it happens in our lives and it happens so many times in fact that the vast majority of people do not even pay attention to it. Their responses are the same. They have conditioned themselves to give the same repeated answer to the question they are asked everyday of their lives. The question I am talking about is, “how are you doing?”

People, without even pausing just a fraction of a second to give the correct answer, will state, “I’m fine, I’m okay, I’m alright, I’m doing okay, I’m so tired, oh thank God its Friday, oh its Monday how do you think I am?, getting by, just making it,” you get the idea.

Now perhaps most people are giving the correct answer but sometimes they are not. I have seen people that are happy as a clown in the morning and within an hour after being asked, “morning how are you doing?” several times and giving the same answer “I’m okay” are no longer happy, but just feeling ok. Why?

They just programmed themselves to feel ok, not happy or great, which they were just in an hour ago and they do this everyday and not even aware of what they are doing to themselves.

Without pausing to give the correct answer they just give the same typical answer they have programmed themselves to give each and every time they are asked that question of “how are you doing.”

What many people do not realize is that they are setting the tone for how the rest of their day is going to be. It is your attitude response that will tell others a lot about you and your attitude.

When you respond everyday, multiple times a day, with these same phrases you are conditioning your mind to face each day with the same out look.

Also, not only are you conditioning your mind to be negative, you are turning other people off that are around you. Many people, including myself, do not wish to be constantly around someone who is negative all the time. Negative people are an energy drain. Negative people will just suck the positive energy out of you if you allow it by just being around them long enough.

If you want to make changes in your life, you attitude response is certainly one that you need to focus on to make that change.

Even if you are not having one of your best days, when someone asks you “how are you doing”, instead of giving your typical answer, even though it will be the correct answer of “I’m alright, just hanging on, not good, or just rolling your eyes at them”, respond with “I’m Great!, on top of the world, outstanding”, or any other type of high energy response and I promise you, you will start to actually feel that way after having given that answer a few more times.

Now it may feel uncomfortable at first giving people something other than your normal every day answer, cause you are actually stepping outside your comfort zone but by simply answering the question with a high energy response you will find your self actually feeling “great, on top of the world, outstanding,” and you will also find your self comfortable giving people high energy responses every day when they ask “how you doing?.” It will now be your typical attitude response and that is what you want!

I know that I was not comfortable at first myself going through this transition but now giving a high energy attitude response answer to the “how are you doing” question each day is my typical attitude response.

Shift your attitude response and you will shift your life to the positive each day! It is the little things that make the biggest differences in our lives.

By: Delton Doucet


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