Kita akan senang bila menerima pemberian dari orang, tapi yakinlah yang memberi pasti akan jauh lebih bahagia. berilah apapun kepada orang lain berupa kebaikan, dan rasakan manfaatnya....

Friday, July 31, 2009

Time Management: Be Organized To Succeed

Time management is a very important factor to consider in every facet of life - day to day activities, personal career, goal setting, etc. Having a handle on it will go a long way to having a successful life and in the process take a lot of stress off your shoulders. It is crucial to your success as air is to your life.

The 24 hours that we have in a day is the same for everyone - no exceptions. There are some who wish the hours in the day could be increased because they just can't seem to have anything done. Some however have found ways to be successful accomplishing their tasks. These group have found ways to budget their time for success.

Time-management and organization go hand in hand. It's hard to come across someone who manages their time successfully who are not organized. The time that we waste unproductively moves us further away from achieving success.

To make the most use of time, one needs to do 2 things: prioritize and plan. Simply do the most important things first and plan activities ahead of time. Having a 'To Do' list helps in having a handle on time usage. Writing tasks on paper helps in remembering them irrespective of having a good memory. It allows one to prioritize events and tasks that have being planned. Goals are easier to achieve this way because the ones that are important are tackled first, and the others attended to later. Don't be quick in changing plans. It throws tasks out of gear. Make a schedule of activities and keep to them.

It is important to track your time usage over time. That is the only way to know where, what or how time is being used. This information could then be utilized to re-adjust routines. Say if you realize more time is being used talking over phone just chatting, this time could be used in other beneficial ways. Always think about time as a critical element for achieving set goals because the time wasted can never be recovered. It will be gone for ever.

When one's life is organized due to proper time management, it becomes more flexible and creative in the way ideas and objectives are handled. There is no room for slacking and this increases productivity levels. It also helps to save money because money is spent on what is deemed necessary without spending on many things before realizing that they are not needed. To have more control on life, actions and time, organizing is the way to go!

Good time management is key to having a successful life. It makes setting and achieving goals more possible and it helps you spend quality time with your family.

By: Augustus Kamassah


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