Kita akan senang bila menerima pemberian dari orang, tapi yakinlah yang memberi pasti akan jauh lebih bahagia. berilah apapun kepada orang lain berupa kebaikan, dan rasakan manfaatnya....

Friday, July 31, 2009

Motivation Secrets

One of the hardest things for most people is to be able to keep themselves at a high level of motivation at all times. There are always going to be small setbacks or obstacles that you have to overcome to achieve your dreams, but with the right levels of consistent motivation, you will be able to get over or around them.

Do you feel that you are always at a peak level of motivation?

What are some secrets to help you stay highly motivated and inspired to consistently strive towards what you want in life?

1. Develop a clear and concise mental picture of what you want to achieve or accomplish. We are hardwired to respond to images, some people more so than others. When you can keep a vivid picture or image in your head of exactly what you want, it is hard not to get back into a peak state of mind.

2. Learning how to develop a plan of action. Without one, you are almost doomed to fail. You have to create a map to getting to where you want to be. Otherwise, it is far too easy to feel lost and feel like giving up.

3. Allowing yourself to rest and relax. Yes, this is just as important as taking action. You need to have a balance or else it will be too easy to get burnt out and lose that inspiration to take action when you need to.

These 3 secrets should help you get off to a good start.

Would you like to learn more?

By: Bryan Appleton


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