Kita akan senang bila menerima pemberian dari orang, tapi yakinlah yang memberi pasti akan jauh lebih bahagia. berilah apapun kepada orang lain berupa kebaikan, dan rasakan manfaatnya....

Friday, July 31, 2009

10 Laws Of Success (part 2)

6. Master your emotions. I love this quote from Og Mandino from his book “The greatest salesman in the world”. He says: “Weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions; strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts.” Master your emotions when you feel depressed, sad, ill, afraid, inferior, uncertain, incompetent. Remember to replace those emotions with singing, laughter, productivity, thoughts of past successes, etc. Also don’t overdo it. Overindulging, overconfidence are examples of things that will push people away. Master your emotions and never feel shame for trying anything and failing, because the only people that never fail are those who have never tried anything.

7. Learn to laugh at the world, and more importantly, laugh at yourself. I mentioned some difference we have to other creatures. One more difference we have as humans which no other has is the ability to laugh. Any form of laughter, including smiling, is very addictive and sets a better mood. Make an effort to smile to people you see. I bet most of them will smile back at you. Not only will they smile back, but they will feel an emotion which creates a better overall mood for the nest minutes and even hours to come. That smile is contagious and will be passed along to others.

Remember that all good situations or bad situations will pass. Whether you are having a good day, bad day, heartache, joy, failures, successes, etc they will pass. Enjoy your good moments knowing this too shall pass. Don’t let the small things get to you and never become so empowered by your own ego to not let laughter in your own world. Let others enjoy their moments knowing it will pass and they need to enjoy it at that moment. When you get a great moment, remember to not let your ego take over. Enjoy that feeling but still serve others. Again, Og Mandino says: “ Remain as a child for only as a child are you given the ability to look up to others.” Look up to others and make them feel good and you will have a great following.

8. Multiply your knowledge. Could you imagine what the world would be today if we never learned from each other? We’d still be living in caves wondering how our neighbors got their hands on fire. We all have a piece of genius inside of us. Tap into that genius and multiply yourself by teaching others. Leverage your efforts by showing others how you have succeeded. But before doing that, you must succeed yourself. You will succeed by aiming high. Better to aim for the moon and reach a cloud, than aim for a tree top and only reach the height of a bush. You will also succeed by doing that extra effort 97% of the people refuse to do.

Always reach outside your comfort zone where lies your success, that is also where lies your dreams. Never settle for whatever life gives you, reach for that extra you need to make your success. Set yourself goals for your life and then break them down to the year, then month, week and then day. Once you accomplish those goals, raise them and aim higher. You will then grow each day and not step backwards. Make today better than yesterday, this week better than last week, this year better than last year. By aiming for better, you always improve yourself and then you can teach it to your followers. Only then can you have success in your business. Multiply yourself and have better success. Keep everything for yourself and watch your success die with your secrets.

9. You must act now. The first 8 steps are worthless without action. All your dreams, all your plans and all your goals will just dust unless you start forming the good habit of acting on them. You must take actions toward your goals everyday if you want to succeed. If you don’t, you become neutral. Ever put a car on neutral and then press on the gas pedal? No matter how hard you press that pedal, you still go nowhere. No matter how busy you are, if you don’t take actions towards your goals, you get nowhere.

Remember, you are nature’s greatest miracle. You have the choice to put this plan into action or ignore it wondering why you are not successful. Procrastination is made of fear. You must replace that fear with an action, even the smallest action towards your goals. Once you start, increase that action everyday until you reach the path you are looking for to get to that goal.

Again, once you reach that goal, remember to reset it to a bigger one. Don’t wait to know everything, learn everyday and apply those teachings into actions right away. Then watch that knowledge multiply the size of your actions.

By: Stephane Therrien


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